Athena's Monthly Message for December 2024

Athena is a wise and loving dragon spirit guide that I channel. She is here to provide wisdom and insight as we navigate our unique lifescapes.

As I tune in to Athena, she is inviting us to take three long, audible, deep breaths. (We pause, for a moment, to take the breaths).

Athena smiles and says, “That is better. You will need to keep this tool handy this moon, as you move through the busyness of the season. By audibly exhaling, you are allowing the energy to move through you much more rapidly than it would if you kept to your shortened breaths, that seem to be keeping you company as of late. By breathing deeply, you are sending a signal of safety to your brain, to your body, and indeed to your cells, that you are safe, that you are whole, that you are not in any type of danger. Adding the sound to the breath, to the exhale specifically, allows the chaos of the day to move through you, to dissolve into the fabric of all things. Yes, dear ones, there is much chaos abounding, and this is not necessarily a bad thing! It simply is the energetic climate of this month. And so as you move through this moon keep your breath, and your vocal cords close to you. They will be a big support to you.”

(we are sitting together in a sacred cave, breathing deeply and audibly)

Athena continues…

“You may find yourself oscillating this moon between expansion and contraction, between hopefulness and despair, between excitement and overwhelm. Welcome the contrast. By welcoming, and honouring the emotion that you are feeling, you allow it to move through you much more rapidly, much more smoothly, and with much more ease, than if you were to try to bury the feeling, ignore it, or smother it. You came here, to this earth, to this body, to experience the full range of human emotions. Indeed this is one of the precious gifts being human entails. And so breathe into the excitement, and breathe into the despair. Holding both, honouring both, and allowing them to simply dissolve into the air, into the universal energy from whence they came. Know, remember, that you are not alone. You are not alone in your life, you are not alone in your feelings, you are not alone with your thoughts. You are always supported. As you deepen into your connection with all things, as you deepen into trusting yourself and your precious body, this truth, this universal truth, will become natural. It will become easy to remember, indeed you will not even need to remember it, for it will simply be how you move about in the world, in your life, and you will have a deep and reverent knowing, flowing through you, at all times. Your breath is a way to remember this, a way to know this. And so use it. Use it often. Dear ones, you are so much more than you think you are. You shine so much brighter than you could ever know.

(As she says this, she is standing with the others, with all of our spirit guides, and smiling. They are looking down upon the earth, from across the veil and the amount of beauty and light, emanating from the earth is something I cannot even begin to describe).

“Come dear ones, come and stand with us here, and take a look at the earth. Do you see that spot? (she points to a point on the earth that is glowing a deep amber, mixed with white and violet light) That is you. And this point is you. And this one is you, dear one.” (Athena comes to each of us individually and points to the spot upon the earth that corresponds to each of us. At every one of us, the light is a different colour, or colours, and yet it is the most beautiful thing we’ve ever seen).

“Take a moment to breathe into these words, dear ones, and to float above the earth. Come now, come stand with us here” (Athena beckons to herself and the other spirit guides and elders). “Breathe and look at the beauty, at the light, coming from your body, your soul.” (We take a moment and allow ourselves to view our energetic bodies from beyond the earth. They truly are the most beautiful thing we’ve ever seen).

“And so dear ones, as you breathe this moon, as you allow the emotions to move through you, remember your light, and remember that you are not alone. Soon, you will feel these truths in your body, soon you will know, like a muscle memory, that you are a powerful being of light, and that you are fully supported, and that you belong. I love you. We love you.” (She points to the other spirit guides, they are all smiling lovingly).

“Be blessed, my dear ones.”

~Athena, a wise and loving dragon spirit guide, channeled by Jennifer Redmond

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